Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Why would you skip breakfast? In a hurry? Trying to lose weight? Just forgot? Not hungry? Well, lets start with being in a hurry. This is something I do if im in a hurry and dont have time to do the whole sit down and eat thing. First of all, I buy eggwhites in the carton and I always have turkey on hand. I put 1/3 cup of eggwhites in a bowl with some turkey and pop in the microwave for 2 minutes and put whole grain/whole wheat bread in the toaster. While its cooking I go back into the bathroom and finish getting ready. I pop the cooked eggs on my toast with a little pepper and ms. dash, grab an apple and my bottled water and I can take it with me and eat it in the car. Sometimes I put a little all natural organic salsa on top. You get your protein, fiber, carbs, healthy fats and most importantly you will have the energy to get through the next couple of hours and keep your metabolism going. Pop tarts, or just plain toast, or even worse a pastery of some sort will only make you crash quickely and add no nutrition value whatsoever. So if you keep these simple things on hand it takes no time at all to make sure you still get a full healthy breakfast. Second, trying to lose weight? You will only slow your metabolism down and end up overeating mid day or at night. Besides, you will be sluggish and doing this regularly can actually cause you to gain weight. Third, Forgot? If you make it a habit to eat breakfast-you wont forget. If you are forgeting, then you havent put in the effort to do it and take it seriously. Lastly, Not hungry? Eat anyway!!! Breakfast always has been and always will be the most important meal of the day!!! What starts off right ends up right! Start your day off right by eating breakfast every day and you will feel the difference. Even though you may not be hungry, your body needs the nutrients and the carbs and very importantly,, the protien- which your body runs out of as you are sleeping. So if you are skipping breakfast and you just read this, I hope you wont anymore and choose to make it a habit that you will glad to have developed.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Healthy vs. Skinny

Skinny is NOT sexy! If you look on the cover of any fitness magazine you will see beautiful healthy bodies that are fit and will make heads turn. I would much rather look like one of those women than a skinny stick without an ounce of muscle tone. Eating healthy, exercising regulary, and taking care of yourself is where its at. Eating junk, drinking alcohol excessively and being sedentary will only make you fat. If you think starving yourself is the thing to do, you are dead wrong! If you want to look good, just eat healthy and exercise. If you want to feel good, eat healthy and exercise. If you want to be healthy and live a long disease free life, eat healthy and exercise. If you want to look for a role model of what a sexy woman looks like, pick up an issue of Oxygen magizine, or Fitness Rx for women (or men). I saw a young girl the other day around 20 years old that was so skinny that wind could've blown her away. Her legs were almost invisable they were so skinny. All I could think was " that girl needs food". The pressure shouldnt be to be "skinny", but to be healthy. If you are in your 20's,30's,40's, and 50's and look at your parents, how many of them are unhealthy due to poor lifestyle? In this era being fit is the new "skinny" and being healthy is not a fad, but a lifestyle that we should all embrace. Weather you are under or over weight there will be health issues involved. Get on the healthy train and dont be left in the rain!
