Some may know it as a hip thrust.
You must pay close attention to where the exercise is felt. Form can be summarized as maintaining a neutral pelvis and performing maximal voluntary Glute contractrion through the full available range of hip extension.
Watch out for Biceps Femoris Dominance! [ when you feel it in your hamstrings instead of your butt].
When performing this exercise, push up with your butt. Do not rock back and forth. When I cue my clients, I tell them to imagine a little guy standing underneath their butt with each of his hands on a butt cheek and pushing straight up like a bench press. Im not joking when I say that after a weird look and a little laugh that this actually works,lol.
If you are doing this and you feel it in your lower back. Proceed this with a simple childs pose stretch and hold it for 30 seconds and when you go for it again, use abdominal bracing. Draw your belly-button to your spine contracting it and holding the contraction during movement.
If you arent able to get any higher with your hips, you will want to release and stretch your hip flexors prior.
If you feel a lot in your inner thighs, this may be caused by the posterior pelvic tilt and abduction of the knees. An adductor stretch followed by a glute medius activation exercise should proceed the glute bridge.
This exercise can start on the floor and progress using an exercise ball.
I personally skip the floor with my clients and go right for the ball. I find that most can actually handle this with my cueing.
Thanks for your time
You Tube link on this exercise right here:
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