" Our worst fear is not that we are inadequate,
our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, "who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?"
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God, your playing small doesn't serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God within us. It is not just in some of us, it is in everyone and as we let our own light shine we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear our presence automatically liberates others."
Nelson Mandela quoting Marianne Williamson
Friday, August 15, 2014
Thursday, August 14, 2014
Loss of muscle tissue, weaker bones, vitamin & mineral deficiencies, hair loss, brittle nails, impaired congnitive function, hormonal problems, menstrual cycle issues, irretability, & heart failure.
Just to list a few...
Your metabolism slows down to preserve calories for important bodily functions like breathing & circulation of the blood.
Starving yourself results in feeling sluggish, trouble thinking and concentrating, makes you more susceptible to colds and other health complications. It will affect muscular strength, bone health, & may cause organ failure.
Starving yourself or restricting your diet will cause weight gain as your body stores whatever calories you eat as fat. This means that the very next thing you eat will be directed straight to your fat stores rather than be utilized as energy.
Restricting calories, especially over a period of time can develop in becoming nutrient deficient. This includes iron, folate & vitamin B-12. Being deficient in these nutrients cause anemia, a disease that affects red blood cells. Red blood cells carry oxygen to the organs and tissues of the body.
Not getting the nutrients you need may cause an electrolyte imbalance. You get electrolytes from the vitamins in your diet that your body needs to function. Low electrolyte levels can lead to irregular heartbeat, confusion, changes in blood pressure & bone disorders.
Starving yourself or restricting your diet will cause muscle atrophy. This is basically your body eating itself. Your body goes into emergency mode or self-preservation. It will store as much fat as it can while eating away at your muscles in order to survive.
Hypotension- aka- Low Blood Pressure, is caused by low body temperature, malnutrition & dehydration, all of which are caused by not eating enough and can cause heart problems.
Calcium deficiency is the result of the reduction of bone mass, otherwise known as osteoporosis. When you dont eat enough you are not getting the vitamins and minerals your body needs for healthy bones.
Low blood sugar or Hyopglycemia is brought on by not eating enough. This will eventually cause liver, kidney, & brain damage.
If you skip meals or arent sure if you are eating enough, go speak to a registered dietician or licensed nutritionist.
If you have experienced any of the symptoms in this article, SEE A DOCTOR IMMEDIATELY to make sure you are not in danger. When you are all clear, go see an RD!
Being underweight can be just as dangerous as being overweight. You dont necessarily have to be underweight to suffer the concenquences - you can still be in danger if you are not underweight, but restricting your calories or starving yourself.
You should not lose more than two pounds a week during safe weight loss!
Loss of muscle tissue, weaker bones, vitamin & mineral deficiencies, hair loss, brittle nails, impaired congnitive function, hormonal problems, menstrual cycle issues, irretability, & heart failure.
Just to list a few...
Your metabolism slows down to preserve calories for important bodily functions like breathing & circulation of the blood.
Starving yourself results in feeling sluggish, trouble thinking and concentrating, makes you more susceptible to colds and other health complications. It will affect muscular strength, bone health, & may cause organ failure.
Starving yourself or restricting your diet will cause weight gain as your body stores whatever calories you eat as fat. This means that the very next thing you eat will be directed straight to your fat stores rather than be utilized as energy.
Restricting calories, especially over a period of time can develop in becoming nutrient deficient. This includes iron, folate & vitamin B-12. Being deficient in these nutrients cause anemia, a disease that affects red blood cells. Red blood cells carry oxygen to the organs and tissues of the body.
Not getting the nutrients you need may cause an electrolyte imbalance. You get electrolytes from the vitamins in your diet that your body needs to function. Low electrolyte levels can lead to irregular heartbeat, confusion, changes in blood pressure & bone disorders.
Starving yourself or restricting your diet will cause muscle atrophy. This is basically your body eating itself. Your body goes into emergency mode or self-preservation. It will store as much fat as it can while eating away at your muscles in order to survive.
Hypotension- aka- Low Blood Pressure, is caused by low body temperature, malnutrition & dehydration, all of which are caused by not eating enough and can cause heart problems.
Calcium deficiency is the result of the reduction of bone mass, otherwise known as osteoporosis. When you dont eat enough you are not getting the vitamins and minerals your body needs for healthy bones.
Low blood sugar or Hyopglycemia is brought on by not eating enough. This will eventually cause liver, kidney, & brain damage.
If you skip meals or arent sure if you are eating enough, go speak to a registered dietician or licensed nutritionist.
If you have experienced any of the symptoms in this article, SEE A DOCTOR IMMEDIATELY to make sure you are not in danger. When you are all clear, go see an RD!
Being underweight can be just as dangerous as being overweight. You dont necessarily have to be underweight to suffer the concenquences - you can still be in danger if you are not underweight, but restricting your calories or starving yourself.
You should not lose more than two pounds a week during safe weight loss!
Friday, August 8, 2014
Ultimately, weight loss comes down to eating less and moving more. With that said, it’s important to understand that different exercise intensities require your body to use different amounts of fat for energy. Typically during low-intensity cardio a higher percentage of the calories you burn will come from fat; however, because it is not as strenuous, your total calorie burn will be lower than wit...h higher intensity activities. High-intensity cardio is effective for fat-loss because you burn more calories per minute while doing it– when compared to low-intensity cardio, as well as during the time it takes your body to recover from the strenuous workout. Therefore, for successful weight loss to occur it is best to incorporate a mix of both low and high-intensity cardio, not only to maximize your body’s ability to use and burn fat, but also burn more total calories overall.
Hugs & Health
Bernadette xoxo
"Grit enatails working strenuously toward challenges & maintaining effort & intrest despite failure, adversity, & plateaus - While some people cut their losses when faced with disappointment or boredom, those with grit stay the course"
First off, lactose intolerance is the incomplete digestion of the lactose in milk due to low levels of the intestinal enzyme lactase.
Lactose intolerance is far less prevalent than commonly believed. Many factors unrelated to lactose including strong beliefs, can contribute to this condition. Studies have demonstrated that among self-described lactose-intolerant individuals, one-third to one-half develop few or no gastrointestinal symptoms following intake of lactose under well-controlled, double-blind studies.
Don’t self-diagnose yourself as lactose intolerant! Even if you experience symptoms like bloating, gas, abdominal pain, or diarrhea.
This could lead to unnecessary dietary restrictions, expense, nutrient deficiency, and failure to detect or treat a more serious gastrointestinal disorder.
People with real [maldigeston] or perceived lactose intolerance may limit their consumption of dairy foods unnecessarily and jeopardize their intake of calcium and other essential nutrients.
A low intake of calcium is associated with increased risk of osteoporosis, hypertension, and colon cancer.
Lactose maldigestors need to determine the amount of lactose they can comfortably consume at any one time.
Lactose maldigestion is prevalent among Asians, Native Americans, and African Americans. In these individual lactase activity declines with weaning. Lactose maldigestion occurs in about 25% of the U.S. population and in 75% of the worldwide population.
Lactose intolerance can also be secondary to diseases or conditions [e.g., chohn’s disease, celiac disease, gastrointestinal surgery, and certain medications] that injure the intestinal mucosa where lactase is expressed. Secondary lactose maldigestion is temporary, and lactose digestion improves once the underlying causative factor is corrected.
***HERE ARE SOME STRATEGIES for including milk and other dairy foods in your diet without developing symptoms:
1) Initially, consume small servings of lactose-containing foods such as a half cup of milk. Gradually increase the serving size until symptoms begin to appear, then back off.
2) Consume lactose with a meal to improve tolerance.
3) Adjust the type of dairy food. Whole milk may be tolerated better than low-fat milk, and chocolate milk may be tolerated better than unflavored milk. Yogurt with live, active cultures are another option [ the bacteria will digest lactose]
With the exception of a rare inherited disorder in which infants are born without lactase, infants have sufficiently high levels of lactase for normal digestion. However, lactase activity declines with weaning in many racial/ethnic groups.
Some Dr’s may even be too quick to diagnose you as lactose intolerant. Lactase is produced at some level and lactose should be able to be tolerated at some level. Becoming nutrient deficient is the likely result among other risks.
I hope if you have been told that you are lactose intolerant you look into it further and if you are a self-described individual, then I hope after reading this - some light has been shed on the subject.
Hugs & Health
Bernadette xoxo
First off, lactose intolerance is the incomplete digestion of the lactose in milk due to low levels of the intestinal enzyme lactase.
Lactose intolerance is far less prevalent than commonly believed. Many factors unrelated to lactose including strong beliefs, can contribute to this condition. Studies have demonstrated that among self-described lactose-intolerant individuals, one-third to one-half develop few or no gastrointestinal symptoms following intake of lactose under well-controlled, double-blind studies.
Don’t self-diagnose yourself as lactose intolerant! Even if you experience symptoms like bloating, gas, abdominal pain, or diarrhea.
This could lead to unnecessary dietary restrictions, expense, nutrient deficiency, and failure to detect or treat a more serious gastrointestinal disorder.
People with real [maldigeston] or perceived lactose intolerance may limit their consumption of dairy foods unnecessarily and jeopardize their intake of calcium and other essential nutrients.
A low intake of calcium is associated with increased risk of osteoporosis, hypertension, and colon cancer.
Lactose maldigestors need to determine the amount of lactose they can comfortably consume at any one time.
Lactose maldigestion is prevalent among Asians, Native Americans, and African Americans. In these individual lactase activity declines with weaning. Lactose maldigestion occurs in about 25% of the U.S. population and in 75% of the worldwide population.
Lactose intolerance can also be secondary to diseases or conditions [e.g., chohn’s disease, celiac disease, gastrointestinal surgery, and certain medications] that injure the intestinal mucosa where lactase is expressed. Secondary lactose maldigestion is temporary, and lactose digestion improves once the underlying causative factor is corrected.
***HERE ARE SOME STRATEGIES for including milk and other dairy foods in your diet without developing symptoms:
1) Initially, consume small servings of lactose-containing foods such as a half cup of milk. Gradually increase the serving size until symptoms begin to appear, then back off.
2) Consume lactose with a meal to improve tolerance.
3) Adjust the type of dairy food. Whole milk may be tolerated better than low-fat milk, and chocolate milk may be tolerated better than unflavored milk. Yogurt with live, active cultures are another option [ the bacteria will digest lactose]
With the exception of a rare inherited disorder in which infants are born without lactase, infants have sufficiently high levels of lactase for normal digestion. However, lactase activity declines with weaning in many racial/ethnic groups.
Some Dr’s may even be too quick to diagnose you as lactose intolerant. Lactase is produced at some level and lactose should be able to be tolerated at some level. Becoming nutrient deficient is the likely result among other risks.
I hope if you have been told that you are lactose intolerant you look into it further and if you are a self-described individual, then I hope after reading this - some light has been shed on the subject.
Hugs & Health
Bernadette xoxo
Thursday, August 7, 2014
Ricci Fitness Facebook Page
Check out my Fitness page! It's full of positive and motivating posts along with super information on being healthier & happier! Swing by and even "Like" the page if you would like to recieve super information in your news feed!
Thank You!
Thank You!
Some may know it as a hip thrust.
You must pay close attention to where the exercise is felt. Form can be summarized as maintaining a neutral pelvis and performing maximal voluntary Glute contractrion through the full available range of hip extension.
Watch out for Biceps Femoris Dominance! [ when you feel it in your hamstrings instead of your butt].
When performing this exercise, push up with your butt. Do not rock back and forth. When I cue my clients, I tell them to imagine a little guy standing underneath their butt with each of his hands on a butt cheek and pushing straight up like a bench press. Im not joking when I say that after a weird look and a little laugh that this actually works,lol.
If you are doing this and you feel it in your lower back. Proceed this with a simple childs pose stretch and hold it for 30 seconds and when you go for it again, use abdominal bracing. Draw your belly-button to your spine contracting it and holding the contraction during movement.
If you arent able to get any higher with your hips, you will want to release and stretch your hip flexors prior.
If you feel a lot in your inner thighs, this may be caused by the posterior pelvic tilt and abduction of the knees. An adductor stretch followed by a glute medius activation exercise should proceed the glute bridge.
This exercise can start on the floor and progress using an exercise ball.
I personally skip the floor with my clients and go right for the ball. I find that most can actually handle this with my cueing.
Thanks for your time
You Tube link on this exercise right here:
Some may know it as a hip thrust.
You must pay close attention to where the exercise is felt. Form can be summarized as maintaining a neutral pelvis and performing maximal voluntary Glute contractrion through the full available range of hip extension.
Watch out for Biceps Femoris Dominance! [ when you feel it in your hamstrings instead of your butt].
When performing this exercise, push up with your butt. Do not rock back and forth. When I cue my clients, I tell them to imagine a little guy standing underneath their butt with each of his hands on a butt cheek and pushing straight up like a bench press. Im not joking when I say that after a weird look and a little laugh that this actually works,lol.
If you are doing this and you feel it in your lower back. Proceed this with a simple childs pose stretch and hold it for 30 seconds and when you go for it again, use abdominal bracing. Draw your belly-button to your spine contracting it and holding the contraction during movement.
If you arent able to get any higher with your hips, you will want to release and stretch your hip flexors prior.
If you feel a lot in your inner thighs, this may be caused by the posterior pelvic tilt and abduction of the knees. An adductor stretch followed by a glute medius activation exercise should proceed the glute bridge.
This exercise can start on the floor and progress using an exercise ball.
I personally skip the floor with my clients and go right for the ball. I find that most can actually handle this with my cueing.
Thanks for your time
You Tube link on this exercise right here:
Yes, stress can cause weight gain. Stress may cause you to eat more. The type of food people crave when stressed are usually high fat/sugary foods. Stress also causes the body to produce more of the hormone cortisol. Cortisol promotes body fat, especially around the stomach. Stress can also affect your sleep. Sleep loss causes the hormone ghrelin to rise. Ghrelin is the primary hunger hormone.
Stress may also contribute to high blood pressure, heart- racing, headaches, muscles tensing up, & stomach problems. Getting a good nights sleep along with daily exercise can help lower your stress. You maly also want to eliminate [within your power] some of your stressful situations - and reduce or change behaviors that cause stress in your life. Practice deep breathing exercises. Sit in a quite place & just breath. Your health is greatly affected by stress. You really don’t want to be stressed, so really try to get a handle on it so you can have better quality of life.
Hugs, Health, & Happiness
Bernadette xoxo
Yes, stress can cause weight gain. Stress may cause you to eat more. The type of food people crave when stressed are usually high fat/sugary foods. Stress also causes the body to produce more of the hormone cortisol. Cortisol promotes body fat, especially around the stomach. Stress can also affect your sleep. Sleep loss causes the hormone ghrelin to rise. Ghrelin is the primary hunger hormone.
Stress may also contribute to high blood pressure, heart- racing, headaches, muscles tensing up, & stomach problems. Getting a good nights sleep along with daily exercise can help lower your stress. You maly also want to eliminate [within your power] some of your stressful situations - and reduce or change behaviors that cause stress in your life. Practice deep breathing exercises. Sit in a quite place & just breath. Your health is greatly affected by stress. You really don’t want to be stressed, so really try to get a handle on it so you can have better quality of life.
Hugs, Health, & Happiness
Bernadette xoxo
Wearing High Heels
Wearing high heels shortens the calf muscles by approximately 13%.
Women who wear high heels should release & stretch regularly so they feel less pain when switching to shorter heels.
Bernadette xoxo
Women who wear high heels should release & stretch regularly so they feel less pain when switching to shorter heels.
Bernadette xoxo
This is the beginning of a new day.
God has given me this day to use as I will.
I can waste it...or use it for good.
But what I do is important because I am exchanging a day of my life for it.
When tomorrow comes,
This day will be gone forever.
Leaving in its place
Something that I have traded for it.
I want it to be gain and not loss,
Good and not evil,
Success and not failure,
In order that I shall not regret
The price that I have paid for it.
This is the beginning of a new day.
God has given me this day to use as I will.
I can waste it...or use it for good.
But what I do is important because I am exchanging a day of my life for it.
When tomorrow comes,
This day will be gone forever.
Leaving in its place
Something that I have traded for it.
I want it to be gain and not loss,
Good and not evil,
Success and not failure,
In order that I shall not regret
The price that I have paid for it.
This is just something I made up and put together while completely winging it.
I will do my best to give some sort of measurements, but I kinda just go with the flow.
If you're a wiz in the kitchen already, you can probably put this together and even add your own special touches. The idea of this recipe is that it's easy and made for the busy person [ like myself]. You can make this very yummy soup in no time at all. The other thing is that its full of flavor without any added salt. Does'nt need it at all!
Here it is:
You will need- Frozen veggies [ whatever you like] - I always use a bag of string beans,corn, and carrot mix, and either broccoli & coliflower mix, or just brocolli, or brussel sprouts. Always frozen in the bag.
- 1 big onion [ spanish, vidalia, yellow]
- 4 big hearts of celery
-1 can of plum tomatoes
- either 4 small or 2 large chicken breasts
- oil- I use canolla. If you want, use what you like. I find the canolla is perfect
- Frozen in the bag, either- brown rice or brown rice with black beans. Or your favorite pasta [ I only use whole grain and I like the bow tie for this recipe]
- Ms Dash for chicken
- any herbs or your favorite spices. I use a blend of herbs for poultry.
- onion powder
- black pepper
- Collage Inn Low fat and Low Sodium chicken broth. Big box
What to do:
Preheat oven at 350
In baking dish with olive oil , put in chicken breasts covered in Ms Dash for chicken. Cook until mostly done. You dont want to over cook. You want the chicken to be nice and juicy.
Meanwhile, cut up the onions and celery [ any other veggies that you want is up to you]
I use about 6-8 of the plum tomatos and I cut them length wise and thick. In fact, everything is cut thick.
In pot put canolla oil, heat up on low heat, add the onions and celery and some Ms Dash, onion powder, and pepper. Toss around and saute until soft.
Next, add the sliced tomatoes and some of the juice from the can [ gives soup a rich color]
Oh, I almost forgot, lol- while you are doing all of the above, you are cooking your frozen veggies in the microwave.
Ok now, so next - add the mixed veggies and toss, the other veggies of your choice and toss. You may want to adjust your seasonings at this time. Maybe add more Ms Dash. I dont use alot of onion power, but I do go a little nuts on the Ms Dash,lol.
Next, add your cut up chicken. How much is up to you. I also like nice big chunks. Toss.
Next, add appoximately 3 cups of chicken broth and 2 cups of water. Toss, turn heat all the way up and bring to a boil.
Once boiling, taste test. Adjust seasonings if need be, then lower heat, cover and simmer for 15min up to a half and hour.
Next, take your pre-cooked pasta [ you will want to under cook the pasta just a bit so it will continue to cook in the soup and not get all starchy and nasty] Or your frozen, but cooked rice and add it to the soup. If using pasta, use as much as you like. Also, sometimes I add in chick peas or kidney beans from the can. Again, this is added right at the end of the simmering.
Simmer for about a minute and serve.
Serve with a few croutons on top or your favoite bread.
This usually lasts us [ two of us] about 4-5 days. This is because we end up eating it for lunch and dinner. If you have a bigger pot and you want to double or tripple the recipe to feed more mouths, go for it!
I posted some pictures and some videos of the proccess. I hope you enjoy ;)
Bernadette xoxo
I will do my best to give some sort of measurements, but I kinda just go with the flow.
If you're a wiz in the kitchen already, you can probably put this together and even add your own special touches. The idea of this recipe is that it's easy and made for the busy person [ like myself]. You can make this very yummy soup in no time at all. The other thing is that its full of flavor without any added salt. Does'nt need it at all!
Here it is:
You will need- Frozen veggies [ whatever you like] - I always use a bag of string beans,corn, and carrot mix, and either broccoli & coliflower mix, or just brocolli, or brussel sprouts. Always frozen in the bag.
- 1 big onion [ spanish, vidalia, yellow]
- 4 big hearts of celery
-1 can of plum tomatoes
- either 4 small or 2 large chicken breasts
- oil- I use canolla. If you want, use what you like. I find the canolla is perfect
- Frozen in the bag, either- brown rice or brown rice with black beans. Or your favorite pasta [ I only use whole grain and I like the bow tie for this recipe]
- Ms Dash for chicken
- any herbs or your favorite spices. I use a blend of herbs for poultry.
- onion powder
- black pepper
- Collage Inn Low fat and Low Sodium chicken broth. Big box
What to do:
Preheat oven at 350
In baking dish with olive oil , put in chicken breasts covered in Ms Dash for chicken. Cook until mostly done. You dont want to over cook. You want the chicken to be nice and juicy.
Meanwhile, cut up the onions and celery [ any other veggies that you want is up to you]
I use about 6-8 of the plum tomatos and I cut them length wise and thick. In fact, everything is cut thick.
In pot put canolla oil, heat up on low heat, add the onions and celery and some Ms Dash, onion powder, and pepper. Toss around and saute until soft.
Next, add the sliced tomatoes and some of the juice from the can [ gives soup a rich color]
Oh, I almost forgot, lol- while you are doing all of the above, you are cooking your frozen veggies in the microwave.
Ok now, so next - add the mixed veggies and toss, the other veggies of your choice and toss. You may want to adjust your seasonings at this time. Maybe add more Ms Dash. I dont use alot of onion power, but I do go a little nuts on the Ms Dash,lol.
Next, add your cut up chicken. How much is up to you. I also like nice big chunks. Toss.
Next, add appoximately 3 cups of chicken broth and 2 cups of water. Toss, turn heat all the way up and bring to a boil.
Once boiling, taste test. Adjust seasonings if need be, then lower heat, cover and simmer for 15min up to a half and hour.
Next, take your pre-cooked pasta [ you will want to under cook the pasta just a bit so it will continue to cook in the soup and not get all starchy and nasty] Or your frozen, but cooked rice and add it to the soup. If using pasta, use as much as you like. Also, sometimes I add in chick peas or kidney beans from the can. Again, this is added right at the end of the simmering.
Simmer for about a minute and serve.
Serve with a few croutons on top or your favoite bread.
This usually lasts us [ two of us] about 4-5 days. This is because we end up eating it for lunch and dinner. If you have a bigger pot and you want to double or tripple the recipe to feed more mouths, go for it!
I posted some pictures and some videos of the proccess. I hope you enjoy ;)
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
I can't do this, I can't do that. I want to do it, but I can't. I wish I could do that, but I just can't.
Ask yourself, " why can't I?" This can refer to anything in life, but this will be about health, fitness, & a healthy mental attitude. Alot of the reasons why some believe they can't is because they are only looking at the finish line, the last chapter, & the final result. If you started to read a book and you are on chapter 1, do you think you will get the full story if you decided that you didn't want to read everything and jumped straight to chapter 10? Sure, you will know the outcome, but you wont have the experience or the appreciation of the story itself. There would have been no dedication and you would not have gotten much out of it. Ironically, there are more obese, overweight, & unhealthy individuals out there that would take more time and apply more dedication to sitting and finishing a novel than would take the time to get moving for better health. Why is that? Could it be because reading a good book is easier and more entertaining, not to mention more relaxing than exercising? Perhaps... Now don't get me wrong- I am all for unwinding your mind and relaxing. I am a big fan of reading and wish I could do more of it. If you are overweight and unhealthy and claim to not have time for exercise, but you can pound down 2 books a week- well, I dont have to tell you what I am thinking. Meanwhile, you have low self esteem, poor body image, depression over how you look and feel. You dont want to look or feel this way anymore and you have given up because you think it's hopeless.
You read about success stories all of the time. You may find that a family member, freind, neighbor, or co-worker just lost weight and is living a healthy lifestyle. Why not you? Why are you different? There can be several answers to this question, but there is one answer that is worth entertaining. GET RID OF " I CAN'T!!!" Clear your mind of this very Negative and disruptive way of thinking! It's all in how you think! What you tell yourself is what you will believe! If you tell yourself that the reason why Ms Jones lost her weight is because she has a better metabolism than you, or that her body is different, than you are just tricking your mind into accepting that losing weight is something she can do, but you can't. Now, your back to reading that romance novel curled up with a cup of tea and a danish. Do you ever get jealous of other women because they are thinner than you? Do you make jokes about your weight? "Big is beautiful" , "Beauty comes in all shapes & sizes", " There's more to love". Being overweight doesnt mean that you arent beautiful or that your not worth loving. If you are joking around this way, that means you are accepting it and believe that you "Cant" change it. Beauty is only skin deep- How about your heart, lungs, organs? How about the fact that you can be the best, most loving mother, freind, wife, sister,brother, and have the biggest heart? How about all of those who do love you for you- whatever your size? Have you thought about how crushed your family and freinds would be if you were no longer here? Being overweight doesnt make you a bad person, it just make you sick. Very, very sick. Now because you are such a great person, you would never, ever want to put them through that! How can you prevent this? GET RID OF I CAN'T! Adopt a New Attidude! Once you've told yourself, "I can't", you already lost. Repeat after me >>>> I CAN....I CAN...I CAN DO IT...I CAN DO IT...I CAN & I WILL!!! Not only will just saying these words make you feel better, but you will do something right away! You would normally go sit in your favorite chair with that book, or TV, or computer- But not after saying these words! What will you do? That's up to you. Go for a walk, join a gym [ big leap,lol], ask someone to do it with you, just get moving! Spend 30+ minutes being Active. You will fee great! Remember that feeling! Take the word "I Can't" out of your mental dictionary. You may wake up one morning and feel groggy and say ," I ***'* go for a walk today, I just dont have the energy" That's ok- old , bad habits die hard. Just shake yourself and say," What are you talking about? I CAN...I CAN...I CAN DO IT...I CAN DO IT...I CAN & I WILL!!!" Live out each and every chapter of your life. Experience every step to better health, better quality of life, & be your own novel. This is the story of your life- everyday may be different and you will have hurdles and challenges. You are strong, because your mind is strong. You are beautiful inside and out. You arent looking at the finish line anymore. You are looking at each day individually- enjoying and appreciating everything. I already know that you can sort of feel what Im saying. If not, read this again- except this time really pay attention :)
Bernadette xoxo
Ask yourself, " why can't I?" This can refer to anything in life, but this will be about health, fitness, & a healthy mental attitude. Alot of the reasons why some believe they can't is because they are only looking at the finish line, the last chapter, & the final result. If you started to read a book and you are on chapter 1, do you think you will get the full story if you decided that you didn't want to read everything and jumped straight to chapter 10? Sure, you will know the outcome, but you wont have the experience or the appreciation of the story itself. There would have been no dedication and you would not have gotten much out of it. Ironically, there are more obese, overweight, & unhealthy individuals out there that would take more time and apply more dedication to sitting and finishing a novel than would take the time to get moving for better health. Why is that? Could it be because reading a good book is easier and more entertaining, not to mention more relaxing than exercising? Perhaps... Now don't get me wrong- I am all for unwinding your mind and relaxing. I am a big fan of reading and wish I could do more of it. If you are overweight and unhealthy and claim to not have time for exercise, but you can pound down 2 books a week- well, I dont have to tell you what I am thinking. Meanwhile, you have low self esteem, poor body image, depression over how you look and feel. You dont want to look or feel this way anymore and you have given up because you think it's hopeless.
You read about success stories all of the time. You may find that a family member, freind, neighbor, or co-worker just lost weight and is living a healthy lifestyle. Why not you? Why are you different? There can be several answers to this question, but there is one answer that is worth entertaining. GET RID OF " I CAN'T!!!" Clear your mind of this very Negative and disruptive way of thinking! It's all in how you think! What you tell yourself is what you will believe! If you tell yourself that the reason why Ms Jones lost her weight is because she has a better metabolism than you, or that her body is different, than you are just tricking your mind into accepting that losing weight is something she can do, but you can't. Now, your back to reading that romance novel curled up with a cup of tea and a danish. Do you ever get jealous of other women because they are thinner than you? Do you make jokes about your weight? "Big is beautiful" , "Beauty comes in all shapes & sizes", " There's more to love". Being overweight doesnt mean that you arent beautiful or that your not worth loving. If you are joking around this way, that means you are accepting it and believe that you "Cant" change it. Beauty is only skin deep- How about your heart, lungs, organs? How about the fact that you can be the best, most loving mother, freind, wife, sister,brother, and have the biggest heart? How about all of those who do love you for you- whatever your size? Have you thought about how crushed your family and freinds would be if you were no longer here? Being overweight doesnt make you a bad person, it just make you sick. Very, very sick. Now because you are such a great person, you would never, ever want to put them through that! How can you prevent this? GET RID OF I CAN'T! Adopt a New Attidude! Once you've told yourself, "I can't", you already lost. Repeat after me >>>> I CAN....I CAN...I CAN DO IT...I CAN DO IT...I CAN & I WILL!!! Not only will just saying these words make you feel better, but you will do something right away! You would normally go sit in your favorite chair with that book, or TV, or computer- But not after saying these words! What will you do? That's up to you. Go for a walk, join a gym [ big leap,lol], ask someone to do it with you, just get moving! Spend 30+ minutes being Active. You will fee great! Remember that feeling! Take the word "I Can't" out of your mental dictionary. You may wake up one morning and feel groggy and say ," I ***'* go for a walk today, I just dont have the energy" That's ok- old , bad habits die hard. Just shake yourself and say," What are you talking about? I CAN...I CAN...I CAN DO IT...I CAN DO IT...I CAN & I WILL!!!" Live out each and every chapter of your life. Experience every step to better health, better quality of life, & be your own novel. This is the story of your life- everyday may be different and you will have hurdles and challenges. You are strong, because your mind is strong. You are beautiful inside and out. You arent looking at the finish line anymore. You are looking at each day individually- enjoying and appreciating everything. I already know that you can sort of feel what Im saying. If not, read this again- except this time really pay attention :)
Bernadette xoxo
Sunday, August 3, 2014
Are You an Emotional Eater?
Are you an emotional eater? You can stop it before it starts! One tip would be to keep a food journal to help you identify your emotional eating triggers. Emotional eating happens when you lose your connection to your grounded self. Don't think that stress makes you overeat! We need the physical stress of exercise to keep our bodies in good shape just as we need the stress of intellectual and emotional challenges to keep our minds healthy. What really leads to emotional eating is your mind getting caught up in " worst case scenarios" projections, misinterpretations and all the emotional overreactions that come with these thoughts. This turns a managable challange into something that makes you feel helpless and over whelmed - and sends you into an eating frenzy in hopes that these feelings will go away. Here are some ideas to keep you grounded when your feelings start to spiral out of control: Inhale deep through your nose- then exhale like you're a ballon that's deflating- getting all of the air out of you. Do this slowly and do it 2-3 times. Next, breath normally and count to 10- then back to 1. Next, stop and see your surroundings, noticing and naming the colors and shapes in the space around you. What physical sensations are you experiencing? Is it a sinking feeling? Knots in your stomach? Tension in your hands or jaw? Shortness of breath? Try to name the feelings that go with the sensation [ fear or anger?] The idea here is to stay in your body and in the moment. Instead of getting lost in your mind where all those unreal scenarios are just waiting to spin out of control.
Bernadette xoxo
Bernadette xoxo
Excess Weight bad on the knees
Excess weight is especially aggravating to hip & knee joints. For every extra pound of body weight you carry, you put over three times as much load on your hips & knees. so if your're carrying an extra 20 lbs, your knees have to bear an extra 60 lbs every time you take a step. Nutrition is the first step. Make a change to your diet. Are you eating too many calories or not enough? Are you eating fast foods and processed foods? Do you drink soda? These are questions to ask yourself. Drink more water and less of the sugery stuff, eat more fruit instead of the sweets, add nuts and yogurt to your snacks instead of chips. Make 1 or 2 substitutions to your diet and see how it goes. When you're ready, make 1-2 more and so on. How sedentary are you? If you can get up and walk, you can get enough exercise to burn some calories. If you can do more, than do it! As much information as there is about how to get healthy, I believe it comes down to motivation and that push to get started. Joining a gym, getting a freind with similar goals to go walking or workout with you, exercise DVD's, etc... You want healthy joints and you dont want to mess with the knees. Although there may be other underlying issues going on with your knees which only a doctor can diagnse, there is no doubt that losing wieght will take away some of that added pressure and may give you some releif.
Bernadette xoxo
Bernadette xoxo
Saturday, August 2, 2014
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